Conceived and led by Creative Director, Tatsuro Horikawa, JULIUS represents a label born from Tokyo’s vibrant underground scene. For Horikawa, the Neo-Tokyo of his adolescence was a fusion of pop cultural references and the emergence of techno and industrial music.

It was through these inspirations that Horikawa began to explore the duality of black; a colour that represents both simplicity and complexity. Having established a reputation for blending visual art and clothing via the label NUKE, Horikawa launched JULIUS in 2001. At first the intention of the label was to provide conceptual audio-visual accompaniments for other designers, but by 2004 JULIUS was producing its own clothes.

To this day, JULIUS garments are imbued with the atmosphere and energy of Horikawa’s industrial origins. The underground DNA of the label persists, lending sophisticated design an individualistic edge. Horikawa himself describes JULIUS in seven words: “Black, Chaotic, Industrial, Techno, Avant-Garde, Contemporary, Minimal.”

Sharing HEVN’s passion for layers of deep black, JULIUS is the perfect label to explore the depths and nuances of a colour the designer views as essential and spiritual. With a preference for exaggerated silhouettes and elongated shapes JULIUS remains true to its industrial aesthetic without sacrificing its commitment to progressive design.

From the themes of chaos and industrial, JULIUS clothes merge innovative textures with heavily distressed elements such a ripped jeans and hanging threads. However, the structure of the garment is never sacrificed and even through intentional destruction what remains is a piece of clothing subtly distorted and profoundly elegant.

JULIUS robustly interrogates traditional shapes, fabrics and construction techniques across its mostly androgynous collection. The label’s design language shares a lineage with another HEVN favourite, Yohji Yamamoto, but has expanded the avant-garde vocabulary with a futuristic, experimental perspective. Like Horikawa’s beloved techno, JULIUS finds harmony in discord.

HEVN is proud to curate an essential collection of core JULIUS elements. We invite you to participate in the immersive wearing experience Horikawa has designed, and to discover a truly original perspective on the avant-garde.

Tatsuro Horikawa with Knut