Velkommen til kundekveld!
Bli med på vår kundekveld fredag mellom kl 17 - 20. Vi gir deg "first pick" på de siste nyhetene fra Gelareh, Leon Emanuel Blanck og Rick Owens! Vi gir deg også gode tilbud på utvalgte varer. DJ-duoen Might Be...
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HEVN @Paris Fashion Week = 🖤

During Paris Fashion Week Femme, we were invited to see the Rick Owens FW19 LARRY women's runway show at Palais de Tokyo.

Gelareh let Maia use one of her new dresses from her FW19 Lemurian collection to the show. And it made quite an impact, to say the least!

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New category in our webshop: Pre-owned!
We just added a new category in our webshop called "PRE-OWNED". This is something we have wanted to try out for some time. We handpick selected items from previous owners, that are in excellent condition. The previous owners have either...
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